This is only in the idea stage, and these are my notes so far. There is no working code yet.
I use
Findings to clip memorable passages from web-based articles. For a while, their iOS bookmarklet would not work, but after a few months hiatus,
revisiting their tools page shows that they have instructions specific to iOS. The newer bookmarklet works like a charm on my iPhone and iPad mini, where I do the bulk of my reading. (Mostly in Instapaper, but I go to the web version to clip things if something stands out.)
I'd like to get all my Findings into Evernote. I don't sense that Findings has much of an export function, though I did a quick search to find they have
a semi-documented API with a Python client. Supposedly if I were to visit a certain URL (listed in the documentation), I could get some API keys, though this seems not to work. I have a
question about that on their forum.
In the meantime,
someone has created a recipe on IFTTT to feed one's Findings RSS feed into an Evernote notebook, and that seems to be working fine for me. This will not import past Findings, nor will it contain the original URL of the item (which is not contained in the RSS feed).
If you're basing your own IFTTT recipe off the one linked above, be sure to put in your username in the RSS feed and update the notebook where you want findings to land in.
Why not just use Evernote to clip articles? I like the social and discovery parts of Findings, even if only a few people use it at this writing. I'd like to sharing my Findings to highlight a portion of a text, combining it with
the SavePublishing bookmarklet, which identifies all the sentences that will fit inside 140 characters (and a link to the original).